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Conversations about Python Dicts

What is the main conceptual difference between dictionaries and lists?

Lists in Python store objects based on a positional offset and are fetched based on an index whereas in dictionary objects are fetched by keys.

#fetching entries in a list based on position
securities=['equities', 'bonds', 'options', 'futures']
print securities[0]

>>> equities
#fetching entries in a dictionary based on key

employees={'engineering':['Lisa', 'Ann', 'Bob'],
	   'marketing':['Charlie', 'Mike']}
print employees['engineering']

>>> ['Lisa', 'Ann', 'Bob']

What does it mean for a dictionary to be mutable?

A variable stores a reference to a dictionary not a copy. Not understanding this difference fully can sometimes lead to silly or rather serious runtime errors.

icecream={'strawberry':4, 'blueberry':5, 'banana':6}

The variable new_icecream refers to the exact same dictionary as the variable icecream. We can verify this by adding another item in icecream and then calling new_icecream to retreve that item.


Python did not throw a KeyError, which means that there exists a key called raspberry in the dictionary referred to by the variable new_icecream even though we used the icecream variable to add it to the dictionary

What are some alternatives to literals when constructing dictionaries?

The vanilla way to construct a dictionary in Python is to use the literal expression.

vanilla_dictionary={'rasberry':4, 'vanilla':2}

A dictionary can also be constructed by calling dict().

another_dictionary=dict(raspberry=4, vanilla=2)

Alternatively, we can use a list of tuples (key, value) pairs.


Sometimes, your functions will give you separate lists for the key and for the values. In this case, it will be useful to employ the zip functions to create key-value pairs and then pass the key-value pairs to the dict() function.

flavours=['linux_mint', 'ubuntu','debian','fedora','redhat','scientific_linux']
print zip(flavours,number_of_users)
>>>[('linux_mint', 40), ('ubuntu', 30), ('debian', 90), ('fedora', 100), ('redhat', 80), ('scientific_linux', 10)]

As we can see, the zip() functions creates tuples. We can then pass the zip() function the dict() function to create a dictionary.

nix_users=dict(zip(flavours, number_of_users))
print nix_users
>>>{'scientific_linux': 10, 'fedora': 100, 'redhat': 80, 'linux_mint': 40, 'ubuntu': 30, 'debian': 90}

How do I find out about the other methods available for dictionaries?

Execute dir(dict) or help(dict).


As you can see, the list is vast!